Friday, April 27, 2012

Glaucoma Treatment, Frost Predicts Huge Mart

Glaucoma is one of top causes for blindness across the world. In USA alone it is second top complication which leads to blindness. Frost & Sullivan, a market research company sees significant opportunities in pharmaceutical market of glaucoma treatment. Since glaucoma is widely occurs in old people, likelihood of market expansion is greater as patients grow old.

A rearch and analysis, titled as Analysis of the United States Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals Market, reckoned the market worth $2 billion for the year 2010. get more study details from here.

Drug treatment for glaucoma with higher efficacy, unique way to deliver drug in body and greater empasis on patient education for the disease could lead to remarkable success for the therapy. That is because around fifty percent patients are undiagnosed.

A strong need for a new drug treatment is felt for those who have glaucoma, because current therapies are inadequate and unable to meet goal.

There are couple of drug treatment for glaucoma in market such as prostaglandin and xalatan. Generic version of these drugs is likely to have negative impact on the market for participants in line to enter. Lack of innovations in treatment is believed to be because of the duration of the treatment which is usually for life time. Patients opts generics to make the treatment cost suitable to their budget.

The research is done by Frost & Sullivan.

Current eye drop treatment has not been convenient in many ways which leads to reduction in patient compliance. Difficulties in eye drops such as it cannot be self administered, greater frequency i.e. three times a day and failure to meet prescription duration mostly ends up discontinuation of treatment.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Effects of Hypertension on Sex Life

Elevating or fluctuating blood pressure can modify the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and mortality. There is a mutual relation between swinging blood pressure and hyper tension. The case is similar when it comes to hypertension and sexual difficulties. Hypertension can impact your sex life. Although they don’t have any signs or symptoms, but the impact on sex life can be majorly experienced. Hypertension can affect your overall sexual satisfaction. A link between high blood pressure and sexual problems is generally the major factor that affect men's sexual health.

Hypertension damages the lining of your blood vessels and causes the arteries to harden and narrow, this then blocks the blood flow towards the male reproductive organ and the man then faces difficulty in maintaining and sustaining erection for the desired period of time. Coming to females, hypertension can reduce the blood flow to the vagina, which may result in decrease in the sexual desire or arousal. It may also lead to difficulties in achieving orgasm. If this case is experienced, consult a doctor and get the necessary treatments before getting the case worsened.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Erectile Dysfunction Indicates Future Heart Disease

A research study has confirmed Vasculogenic ED as marker for future cardiovascular disease. Presence of Vasculogenic indicates that a person is going to have heart disease.

Many earlier studies have established close link between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease but failed to explain how exactly. The latest one has provided confirm proof that a biological marker is something that is responsible for heart diseases in patients who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Lead researcher of the study, Dr Kew Kim Chew says, the study has provided pathological evidence of connection on how atherosclerosis develops from endothelial dysfunction. Dr Chew is physician and senior clinical researcher at Keogh Institute for Medical Research.

Endothelial dysfunction is pathological status of membrane lining inside blood vessels. It is the status basically means imbalance in contraction and widening of blood vessels.

In both erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease, dysfunction of endothelium is caused by higher concentration of biomarkers (such as cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-8 and 18) in plasma. Also high level of C-reactive proteins has also been noticed in both the condictions.

This way erectile dysfunction deomnstrates vascular disease in penile muscles. That is the reason that ED medicines such as viagra helps in heart diseases also.

Although ED may get developed because of psychological (anxiety, stress and depression) and neurological disorders, vascular disorder is more common cause. Vascular cause in more observed in young adults with liklihood of developing heart disease in future.