Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Cholesterol Test is done by Healthcare Professional?

Excess of anything is not good, while anything in controlled proportion is better. This is applicable to cholesterol as well. Cholesterol plays important role for body functionality. It is an essential part of the body mechanism. However, excess amount of cholesterol chokes up blood carrying vessels (such as arteries, veins etc). Blockages can lead to fatal health conditions such as heart attack, strokes and heart failure.

Different methods are used to check different cholesterol. Cholesterol has been classified into two types namely, HDL and LDL. HDL is considered to be good cholesterol and LDL is known as bad type of cholesterol.

Cholesterol Tests
• Test to measure level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood
• HDL test: A test to measure level of HDL (high density lipoprotein) in blood
• Lipid profile
• LDL test: A test to measure LDL (low density lipoprotein) in blood

Steps for Performing Test
Blood is taken from vein. Ideal place, where most of the blood samples are taken from, is from hand (from joint i.e. inner of elbow). In order to make vein visible clearly, an arm-band is wrapped around the arm. This would exert pressure and would make vein filled with blood.

For precautionary purpose (disinfection) surgical spirit is applied on the part of the swelled vein, a place where needle is to be inserted and blood to be taken. Needle of the injection is gently inserted into vein. Taken sample of blood is then kept into small air-proof bottle. Arm-band is then removed. A very tiny bandage is used to cover the needle-inserted area to prevent bleeding.

Procedure for Kids
For kids, the procedure of taking blood is different. A tool called lancet is used to collect blood sample. Lancet is designed for kids. It has sharp needle attached with a small tube. Blood gets collected in the tube.

Getting Prepared Prior to Test
It is recommended not to eat anything for 10-11 prior to test. Accuracy of result is high if blood sample is taken when patient is empty stomach. It is strongly advised not to drink soda, tea or coffee. However, patient can drink water.

Patient is asked to be on fast at night before the night of “Cholesterol Screening”.

Patient is usually asked to inform if any drug is being taken. Patient may be asked to stop some of the cholesterol lowering drugs.

Cholesterol Test at Home
With advancement in technology, any individual can get cholesterol test done at home with easy to use 'Cholesterol Test Kit'. Test result can be obtained within just 3 minutes.

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