Popularity of erectile dysfunction drug Cialis is threatening long market dominance of Viagra. Given that Cialis effects last longer than Viagra, more and more patients are using it as an alternative to Viagra.This is because patients do not want to increase the dose of Viagra and yet want greater effects.
A report says that until recent past Viagra enjoyed 61%-63% of total market share for erectile dysfunction treatment. Cialis was not even half closer to Viagra with only 24%-26% share.
Maker of drug Cialis claims it to be no 1 impotence treatments. Couples prefer cialis over Viagra because of its cost, effects and less severe side effects as compare to Viagra. Eight sporadic studies suggest that after using both drugs for 2 to 6 months patients, at the end of the trial, found Cialis suitable for all of their needs. Eli Lilly credits success of the drug to its unique working mechanism which is somewhat similar to Viagra but differs in terms of dose and lasting effect.
Cialis helps achieve erection in lesser amount of time as compare to Viagra. Furthermore, patients who take Cialis can maintain erection for 36 hours. People see these as major advantage and prime reason to switch to cialis.
However, Cialis still has long way to go in order to overtake Viagra. Benefits such as being first impotence drug, strong reputation and most trusted brand, Viagra is likely to be leading drug for few more years. Viagra is famous so much so that almost 99 percent Americans are aware of Viagra and, as they say, Viagra would be first to be tried out if they face impotence in future.
A report says that until recent past Viagra enjoyed 61%-63% of total market share for erectile dysfunction treatment. Cialis was not even half closer to Viagra with only 24%-26% share.
Maker of drug Cialis claims it to be no 1 impotence treatments. Couples prefer cialis over Viagra because of its cost, effects and less severe side effects as compare to Viagra. Eight sporadic studies suggest that after using both drugs for 2 to 6 months patients, at the end of the trial, found Cialis suitable for all of their needs. Eli Lilly credits success of the drug to its unique working mechanism which is somewhat similar to Viagra but differs in terms of dose and lasting effect.
Cialis helps achieve erection in lesser amount of time as compare to Viagra. Furthermore, patients who take Cialis can maintain erection for 36 hours. People see these as major advantage and prime reason to switch to cialis.
However, Cialis still has long way to go in order to overtake Viagra. Benefits such as being first impotence drug, strong reputation and most trusted brand, Viagra is likely to be leading drug for few more years. Viagra is famous so much so that almost 99 percent Americans are aware of Viagra and, as they say, Viagra would be first to be tried out if they face impotence in future.
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