Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Insulin: FAQ for Diabetes Patients

What is Insulin?
Insulin is essential body hormone produced by pancreas gland. Glucose is made from the eaten food. This glucose is essential for cells to generate energy. However, absorption depends on insulin. Higher level of glucose in blood is known as diabetes. There are two types of diabetes; Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is known as Type 1 when pancreas gland does not produce enough insulin. Diabetes is known as Type 2 when produced insulin does not work properly.

How do we get Insulin?
In early time, because of lack of technology, insulin was procured from pancreas glands on dead animal. Today, with the help of advanced technology, insulin is being prepared in laboratory. Advantage of using insulin prepared in laboratory is it is not contaminated. There are three types of insulin beef insulin, pork insulin, man insulin (name pattern is because of resembling structure insulin).

Who with Diabetes needs Insulin?
Being unable to produce insulin in type 1 diabetes, patients must be given from externally. For patients with Type 2 diabetes, there are many diabetes drugs in market. Avandia and Actos are some of them. It is advisable for type 2 diabetes patient to control blood glucose level with suggested diet along with medicine.

What is the best treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?
There are two options for type 2 diabetes patients. One, take diabetes drugs such as actos and Avandia; Two, have insulin externally. Both the option, however, must be accompanied by strict diet suggested by doctor.

Most of the Diabetes patients avoid painful injection of insulin and prefer diabetes drugs along with proper diet.

[Note: There are drugs under trial that requires to be taken once a week and once a month]

Diabetes drug works either by improving insulin production or by increasing insulin sensitivity. Scientists know how what is going wrong, but they don’t know why it is going wrong. In other words, health experts know that pancreas gland is malfunctioning (producing lesser insulin) but they do not know the causes.

Diabetes Cure with Cinnamon Abstract

Cinnamon extract can help reduce risk factors that may lead to diabetes and heart diseases. An antioxidative compounds found in cinnamon were found to cut the factors that eventually leads to some chronic diseases.
Richard Anderson conducted a study of 22 obese patients. These patients are likely to develop diabetes because of impaired glucose level in their blood. Richard Anderson, a chemist at USDA, along with Tim Zeigenfuss studied blood samples of participants.

It was made sure that participants are in prediabetes stage. Patients who are diagnosed with prediabetes are those who have insulin resistant level higher than the normal. Insulin is produced by pancreas and used by cells for better consumption of glucose in blood. Insulin resistance of cells increases blood glucose level.

Participants were divided into two groups. One group of participants was given 250mgs of water soluble cinnamon extract two times a day and another group was administered with placebo. Inspection of blood was done thrice during the entire study.

Study revealed that dried water soluble cinnamon extract increased antioxidant compounds by 12%-24%. Furthermore, level of level of glucose found correlated to increased level of antioxidant compound.

More detail research is needed to confirm the findings of study.

Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Regaine: An Effective Hair Loss Treatment

What is Regaine?
Regaine is treatment for hereditary hair loss. Hair loss caused in men is known as male pattern baldness. Although Hair loss is seen largely in men, it also occurs in women too. Regaine (foam) contains Minoxidil as active ingredient. Minoxidil is powerful potassium channel opener. It stimulates growth of new blood vessels (in medical it is known as Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)). Growth of VEGF improves oxygen and nutrition supply.

Why use Regaine?
There are many compelling reasons for the using Regaine. First; it is FDA approved hair loss treatment, Second; It is OTC i.e. no prescription is required to buy, Third; it has no side effects, Fourth; Success ratio of Regaine is higher than any other hair loss treatment, Fifth: It is easy to use as Regaine available in liquid and foam. Results of clinical trial proved that Regaine effectively treats hair loss in 4 out 5 patients. Regaine stops hair loss as well as, as seen in clinical trial, stimulates hair growth.

What are the effects of Regaine (Minoxidil)?
Regaine (Minoxidil), has been accepted by doctors and scientists as an effective treatment for hereditary hair loss. Various trials and research papers have proved that Regaine increases blood flow to hair follicles and makes hair strand thick, long and healthy. With greater blood supply (Blood carries oxygen and nutrition) hair roots get stronger; hair stops falling before the cycle, grows longer and stays healthy.

What does 'clinically proven' mean?
Regaine is FDA approved hair loss treatment. Before any pharmaceutical products goes to market, it requires FDA approval to sell. FDA approval requires producer to go through rigorous approval process in order to prove effectiveness of respective medicine. Approval process includes results of research, documents related to clinical trial results. All the submitted data are then reviewed by expert FDA panel. Product is allowed to be sold after the approval by FDA panel.

What causes hairloss?
Many factors can cause hair loss. Most widely seen one is hereditary hair loss. More than 40% of men suffer hair loss after the age of 35. Some may start losing hair even before 35. Hormonal change is another factor for causing hair loss.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Benefits from Consultation with Online Doctor

Healthcare cost is getting more expensive as time pass. Those who are not covered with health insurance are finding it difficult to keep up with the monthly budget. Prevention is better than cure. It is recommended to develop healthy habits and bring changes, such as balanced diet and workout, in order to avoid stay healthy. However, unpredictable changes in human body, which may turn out to be dangerous condition, can force us to have a consultation with a doctor. From last decade, internet has changed the course of life. It has changed not only the way we communicate but also the way we live. This is true for health too. Telemedicine and Online Consultation are latest benefits of internet. For some of the diseases, consultation with online doctor is proved to be quite time saving and economical.

Benefits of online health consultations:

* FREE: This is one of the major advantages of online doctor consultation. Almost all the service for consultation with the doctor is free. Initial diagnosis is crucial in any health problem. It helps to determine whether problem is minor or needed more attention.

* Figure out exact problem. A person generally seeks doctor’s advice when he feels sort of unusual feelings or symptoms. Only a qualified doctor can come up with the name of disease from the symptoms. This could be done with consultation with online doctor.

* Decide what the next step should be or what services or medical tests are needed to done. The health condition can be treated with general OTC medicines if symptoms appeared not serious.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Market of Viagra Surges, and Likely to Surge in Future Too

National Tax Service of Korea has detected huge surge in dumping fake Viagra in market. It has soared almost 23 times than what it was five years back.

Viagra is a popular anti-impotence drug. Generally a Viagra a tablet costs around $3-$4 at local pharmacy. Generic version of Viagra is not yet available and won’t be until patent protection expires. In order to lower the cost people across the world buy Viagra online.

According to data submitted to Korean Rep. Lee ae-joo, a member of ruling party, smuggling of erectile dysfunction drug has earned black 90 billion dollars. It was 3.8 billion in 2005-2006.

Officials report that out of the 90 billion dollars black market of fake medicines, 99% of it is drug used to treat impotence in males. These impotence drugs include Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Traces of most of these fake drugs go to China.

Health professionals are more concerned for severe health threats cause by such medicines. Fake drugs contain either substances that has no effects or substances that are dangerous in nature. Sometimes fake drug contains poisonous lead and mercury.

Viagra, and other impotence drugs, are prescription drugs only. That means, patients across the world have to have valid prescription to buy Viagra. If a patient wants to buy Viagra online, prescription is still needed to provide either by fax or by email. Make sure the pharmacy you are purchasing drug from is valid and authorized to sell prescription medications online.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Flomax For Treatment of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia)

Flomax is indicated to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It is one of the most effective drugs for BPH.

BPH or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia is enlargement of prostate gland in men. This is caused by hormonal changes. With growing age, prostate gland in men grows in size. Enlarged gland exerts pressure on the tube that carries urine to be expelled. Such enlargement will result in various urination problems such as hair loss (male pattern baldness), painful urination, urinary tract infections and urinary retention.

BPH is caused, as latest study, by excess availability of testosterone. High concentration of testosterone increases level of prostate cells of the gland. BPH does not pose any life threatening situation, however, it should be treated if it due to cause urination problems. Severe BPH may need surgery.


Floamx contains Tamsulosin Hydrochloride as active ingredients. It belongs to a drug class known as alpha receptors blockers. Receptors of alpha-1 are located at several muscles including prostate gland. Flomax helps to relax muscles of prostate gland. Relaxed (widened) muscles increase urine flow. Flomax does not decrease size of large gland, it just smoothens flow of urine by relaxing muscles.

Important Flomax Information

Flomax is OTC drug i.e. no prescription is needed to buy Flomax. It is recommended to take dose as per direction given by physician.

Do not take flomax with other BPH drug. Flomax with other BPH drug can significantly decrease blood pressure.

Do not overdose. If recommended dose does not show effect, consult with your doctor.

Where to Buy Flomax?

Buy flomax at

Other BPH Medications

Avodart (Dutasteride)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gaviscon: A Best OTC Drug For HeartBurn


Gaviscon is medicine by Reckitt Benckiser. It is indicated to treat heartburn (GERD: Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease). Gaviscon is an OTC drug i.e. prescription is not required to buy Gaviscon. Gaviscon is most prescribed OTC medicine for heartburn.

Gaviscon is available in two forms, tablets and liquid. There are multiple choices available for both Gaviscon Tablets and liquid.

Liquid Form

Gaviscon Advance: 250ml, 300 ml, 500ml
Gaviscon Original Aniseed Liquid: 600ml

Tablets Form

Gaviscon Double Action: 32 tablets
Gaviscon Cool Peppermint: 32 tablets
Gaviscon Infant Sachets: 30 doses

What is HeartBurn or Acid Reflux?

Stomach produces acid for proper digestion of eaten food. This acid is secreted by cells lining in stomach. Although this acid is vital for good digestion, excess acid production is harmful.

Excess acid in stomach bounces back (reflux) to the food tube. Such bouncing incidents, in long run, damage protective layers of food tube. This condition eventually results in stomach ulcer or heartburn.

How Gaviscon Works?

Gaviscon is known for its ability for fast relief from pain caused by sour stomach, heartburn and acid indigestion. It contains alginic acid and bicarbonate as active ingredients. Alginic acid and bicarbonate together forms foam which floats over stomach acid. This layer of foam works as a protective layer and prevents acid bouncing events.

Even when bouncing occurs, the foam layer is first to come in contact with food tube (esophageal mucosa). This gives cooling feel in stomach instead of burning feeling.

Gaviscon also comes in delicious flavors such as Strawberry.

Buy Gaviscon at with special offer.

Other Heartburn Medications

Other medications are mostly prescription meds. They are Nexium 20mg 40mg (Esomeprazole), Prevacid (Lansoprazole) and Prilosec (Omeprazole).